Wednesday 30 June 2010

Spill> Forward_ Call for entries

Following on the heels of a decidedly unsuccessful round of climate talks in Copenhagen, the Earth Day disaster in the Gulf of Mexico frames this exhibition of Earth Art for the 20th CenturyTM. Artists and designers from around the world are invited to address the theme of sustainability in the future. Works responding to the Deepwater Horizon accident, or related ecological and cultural concerns, will be given precedence.

Visit the site to sign up for news regarding the exhibition and a related lecture series. Or upload a contribution to Spill » Forward in a few simple steps. This call for participation encompasses diverse forms including:

» media art » » » » »

» » » » » sound art » »

» » » » » » » » video art » »

» » » » » » » poster art » » » »

» » » » » » » » interactive art » » » »

Brought to you by Transnational Temps and MediaNoche.

Submission deadline: July 20, 2010

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