Tuesday 29 September 2009

Folded-in game at FILE GAMES RIO 09

The FILE Eletronic Language International Festival (www.file.org.br) committee selected the Folded in as one of the best games presented in the last years at FILE to take part of the FILE Games Rio 2009 , in October, 8th, 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

FILE Games is an event of FILE that emphasizes the game culture in music, visual and performatic manifestations of electronic art in this field. The exhibition and presentations explore different kind of games producing.

This year File Games will join FILE Hipersônica, producing the event "8Bit Game People" that will show the best games presented at FILE in the last years and musical presentations that reflects the game culture. The event will be carried out in Oi Futuro, a cultural centre in Rio de Janeiro City, and where regulary happens artistics and cultural activities.

As you may already know, FILE is a non-profit cultural organization founded in 2000 with a main goal of promoting and motivating the research and art production on electronic language, as a way to set a new meeting point for discussing Technology & Culture in Latin America.

For the "8Bit Game People" artists, FILE will provide a digital sample of our official catalogue, a one-thousand-copy printed edition, also includes the Folded in description in Portuguese and English as well as your biography.

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